Podcast Episode 4 - Watch Me Completely Reinvent Myself

Apr 28, 2022

I am so excited to talk to you about completely reinventing myself. I've done this a couple of times, where I have lots of change, new location, new environment, new friends, new friend group, new group of people, new everything. As someone with an undefined G center in my human design chart, and specifically because my undefined G center is such a big deal in my human design chart, I would say it's the biggest center for conditioning that I have to work through. It's a big deal, and as...

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Podcast Episode 2 - The Integration Block

Apr 28, 2022

This entire post is going to be about one of the biggest reasons why people get caught up in their manifestation process. I like to call this the integration block, but there's this pattern that I see where people will learn about manifestation. Maybe they'll take a course or two courses, and they're able to manifest a couple of things, but they haven't integrated enough of their, I mean in my perspective, enough of their human design. They are not in alignment enough with their energy,...

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Podcast Episode 1 - Welcome to The Energetics of Everything

Apr 28, 2022

Welcome to The Energetics of Everything! I am absolutely delighted to be welcoming you to this, because there has been so much anticipation for me, and this podcast and blog have been a long time running. I have been dreaming about this for years, and I've had several failed attempts previously, for launching podcasts, and they've always guided me to the inner work that I needed to do in that moment to develop and step into the version of me that's ready to actually be sharing my message in...

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